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Don’t pick a friend. Avoid bringing a good friend to bed. The best person to have a threesome with is someone you know well, but preferably someone from another area code, or on a vacation spot.

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Romantic feelings. Neither partner should have any romantic feelings for the third person involved. It’s just sex. If you really want only a particular person in bed, you probably have some kind of feelings for them.

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Someone you know well. Avoid involving anyone you know well or have to meet regularly. It’ll just make things awkward if the threesome doesn’t go your way. And additionally, it’ll always make one of the partners feel insecure.

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Calm down. Drink a glass of alcohol to get rid of the nervousness.

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Build the intimacy. When three of you get together, don’t dive into bed immediately. Spend a while sitting together or having a few drinks. Build the intimacy so the threesome doesn’t end up feeling like an awkward experience with a random stranger.

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Use protection. You can’t ever be too careful about STDs. Always use just one hand to stimulate each partner and avoid interchanging hands. Keep a lot of condoms nearby, and switch condoms each time there’s a new penetration. Dental dams are a good idea too.

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No one’s left out. It’s very important that you focus on your partner because they should never feel left out. It’s possible that you could forget your partner or get distracted by the arrival of a new person in bed.

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Keep yourself involved. Run your hands over the other two people in bed even if you’re not directly involved or on top of someone else. Don’t kill the mood by appearing bored or sitting back in the corner because the other two are having sex or on top of each other.

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Respect boundaries and maintain trust by refraining from any intimate actions with a third person when one partner leaves the room, even for a moment.

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Penetration. Penetration is always a tricky subject. Speak about it with each other beforehand. But if you’re still unsure, avoid penetration unless you know your partner’s completely fine with the idea.

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Don’t leave love bites. Leaving hickies on the third person will piss your partner off. And if you get a love bite from the third person, that’ll irritate your partner too. So just to be safe, avoid any kind of passionate marks of love while having a threesome!

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Don’t be selfish. Threesomes are more about giving and satisfying the other two people than satisfying yourself. If you want it to go successfully, focus more on the others than on your own needs.

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Respect boundaries and seek acknowledgement from your partner to avoid upsetting them. While asking for permission for every single action can dampen the mood, it's important to establish clear boundaries and remember them in intimate moments.

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Balance your attention between your partner and the third person to avoid making your lover feel neglected. Prioritize your partner and your relationship by giving them more attention. Include the third person by focusing on them along with your partner, ensuring no one feels left out or insecure.

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Limit contact between the third person and your partner of the opposite sex to ensure security and prevent affairs. Avoid getting too friendly with the person your partner brings to bed. Prioritize your partner's peace of mind and maintain relationship trust.

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Orgasms. All three of you have to orgasm together, or in quick succession. Once the sexual high starts declining after a few orgasms, the person who’s just had their share of orgasms could get bored quickly and may be less inclined to stay involved with the other two.

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Respect boundaries and maintain trust by refraining from any intimate actions with a third person when one partner leaves the room, even for a moment.

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Penetration. Penetration is always a tricky subject. Speak about it with each other beforehand. But if you’re still unsure, avoid penetration unless you know your partner’s completely fine with the idea.

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Don’t leave love bites. Leaving hickies on the third person will piss your partner off. And if you get a love bite from the third person, that’ll irritate your partner too. So just to be safe, avoid any kind of passionate marks of love while having a threesome!

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Don’t be selfish. Threesomes are more about giving and satisfying the other two people than satisfying yourself. If you want it to go successfully, focus more on the others than on your own needs.


Ready for a threesome?

Here's a key tip: always respect the boundaries and rules you and your partner set beforehand. It's crucial for maintaining trust and deepening your connection. By following these guidelines, you can make your partner feel truly loved and desired, bringing you closer together. And hey, if you're in need of some adult toys or essentials, our store has got you covered. We've got everything you can imagine to spice things up and fulfill your desires. 

So, are you ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure?

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Love & Kink Purveyors Est. 1972

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